Further to the Prime minister’s announcement of a national lockdown in England, you may be wondering if home moving plans are able to go ahead. People are still able to move home. However, those outside of the household or support bubble should not help with moving to a new house unless absolutely necessary.
Estate and letting agents and removal firms can continue to work. Those who are looking to move can go to property viewings.
It is important that the national guidance on moving home safely, which includes advice on social distancing, letting fresh air in and wearing a face covering are followed. Further information on the national lockdown can be found here.
Nicola Sturgeon also announced a lockdown in Scotland. Advice from the Scottish Government states that people are able to leave their home for activities in connection with moving home (including viewing a property), or for activities in connection with the maintenance, purchase, sale, letting, or rental of residential property that the person owns or is otherwise responsible for.

Preparing Your Home for Winter Weather
As winter approaches, it’s crucial to ensure your home is ready to withstand the colder months. We’ve put together a checklist of key things you